


Naia Trust is an animist steward of capital dedicated to creating the conditions on Earth for all beings to thrive.

Our mission is to reunify humans as “nature” and to advance a worldview of interbeing.

Naia Trust invests with a philosophy: with every flow of capital, we enquire as to whether it may bring those it touches into a meaningful, engaged and potentially enchanting relationship with the more-than-human-world.

We are passionate about equipping human and ecological communities with inner and outer resilience, empowering them to live in dignity and act with agency within the context of the current polycrisis. This could manifest in qualities such as regenerative agricultural systems, thriving exuberances of biodiversity, the advancement of scientific knowledge, empowered local governance systems, innovative jurisprudence models, and poetic spaces to breathe and heal.

It pains us to bear witness to the widening fault lines and rifts in our society; the ‘othering’ that arises from a psychology that perceives duality between self and world; the multiple planetary boundaries that we are treacherously exceeding; and underneath this all, a profound estrangement of humanity from a living, sentient and sacred Earth.

Yet amidst times of great upheaval rests extraordinary potential. The world is pregnant with narratives waiting to be written. Our hope is rooted in an active engagement with the world, despite unknowable outcomes. We believe that what is ours to do is to help foster islands of coherence, tangible and embodied existence proofs that sow the seeds of cultures to come.

Our Investments

The creative tension in our work lies in reconciling nature’s principles with the limited financial instruments currently at our disposal.

We consider how every approach and investment we make may appear if seen from the perspective of ecosystems, species and life-processes.

To that end, we champion not only biocentric ventures but also novel economic models, redefinitions of value, and collective stewardship paradigms.

Our Thoughts

Alongside our investment activities, we care deeply about generating new cultural expressions, communications and movement building around humanity’s innate biophilia.

Our podcast Lifeworlds delves into perceiving the world through nature’s perspectives. We regularly publish essays and thought pieces to refine our thoughts and engage with our stakeholders.